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Kim Gilman

High on Skye

What a privilege it was last week to spend a few days on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. We made the 11-hour car trip with our dogs and yes, I got in some driving practice! But Robin had to handle the narrow, precipitous roads on Skye itself.

Skye is a remote place with a rainy, cool climate. I thought: you'd have to be a hardy soul to live here. As elsewhere in Scotland, we found the residents very friendly. I've never had a less-than-delicious meal or drink in this wonderful country either. But Skye's main attraction is constant, overwhelming scenery. It's just beautiful everywhere you go, with a combination of the mountains, sea, and moors.

The above photos are from an area in northern Skye known as the Quiraing. These jagged geologic formations are spectacular and a bit otherworldly. During our walks on Skye, we experienced sun, clouds, wind, rain, and driving hail -- none of which seemed to last more than 5 minutes at a time! But the changing weather does make for wonderful variations in the light and color of what you're beholding.

In the photos below, we're on the southwest corner of Skye looking at the Black Cuillin (COOL-in), a jagged mountain range. This time with the dogs, we hiked up a bit. As in the Quiraing, I would have liked to have gone further; but time, weather, and fitness levels were limiting factors. Still, you don't have to walk very far in Skye to get breathtaking views. Altitude aside, I definitely did feel "high" on Skye.

Click the right or left arrows on the photos below (or scroll) to see a few more with captions.

Finally, I share with you that I love big old castles. Over the years I've seen many mystical photographs of a Scottish one called Eilean Donan, which I've always wanted to visit. I finally got to see it in person on our way to Skye. It was not disappointing.

I'm not sure if our travels will ever take us back to Skye. There are other Scottish Islands we hope to visit, including the Outer Hebrides and the Shetlands. But I am so grateful I got to experience this unique place.

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Oct 27, 2023

I recognized so many of these views. Thanks for br them back to me! And so true about the weather. One is tempted to just wee rain pants all the time! We experienced hail while hiking too.


Oct 20, 2023

Hi Kim, Enjoy reading your blog! I used to work with Robin when he was at Optum with Dr.Wilson's project. Jay R

Oct 23, 2023
Replying to

Thank you and Robin sends his regards. —Kim


Oct 18, 2023

I almost expected to see Heathcliff at the castle, even though I know Wuthering Heights was in England. Your picture had that same eerie quality. I'm enjoying your pictures and wonderful commentary. Your delight comes through the writing.



Oct 18, 2023

Will you ever want to come hone?


Oct 18, 2023

Thanks for taking us along for the ride! You've made me want to go there too, from your descriptions of the changing light and colors!

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